HelpYourNGO - Livelihood - Nageshwara-Charitable-Trust

Nageshwara Charitable Trust

Sector: Livelihood
Sub Sector: Comprehensive
Tax Deduction: 50% u/s 80G of The Income Tax Act, 1961

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% Spent on Beneficiaries

HelpYourNGO USP: Our Research Team studies the NGO's financials to arrive at ratios, variances and the % spent on beneficiaries. This % is the proportion of direct program expenses to total expenditure for the latest financial year, indicating the total direct spend on beneficiaries.

Year of Establishment : 1999
Registered Address : Ist Floor Gopal Krishna Bhavan, Jahnsi Square, Sitabuildi, Nagpur 440012, Maharashtra
Presence : Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
Website :
Email :
Telephone : +91 712 2558410
Donor Contact : H M B Murthy /
Registered Under : The Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950
Auditor : Vinay P. Sapre
Bankers : Union Bank of India, Axis Bank, Bank of India, State Bank of India
Trustees/Directors/Managing Committee: : Mr. Jambanna Swamy - President, Mr. Anand S Ghule - Vice President, Mr. H M B Murthy - Secretary, Mr. Prakash N Kathale - Trustee, Ms. Jyoti B Murthy - Trustee

Some of their projects are:

  • Aarogyala Yojana (Loan based rural sanitation): NCT has implemented this program with support from NABARD. NCT has supported over 8,700 SHG members from Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh (MP). Loan is provided to Self-Help Groups (SHG) members and technical support to construct toilets. Toilet availability has helped improve health and hygiene standards and reduced money being spent on treatment of various diseases. The women SHG members repay loans promptly, helping NCT service the loans. In a separate program – Domex Toilet Academy, supported by Unilever – NCT trains rural entrepreneurs in toilet construction and sanitation support.
  • Promotion of Self-Help Groups: NCT is implementing an ambitious 5,000 SHG-Bank linkage program for NABARD in MP. The NGO has promoted over 4,421 SHGs so far. The trust also provides small loans to these SHGs from its Micro Finance portfolio. NCT also gets support for its Microfinance Activity from State Bank of India and Rashtriya Mahila Koch. Apart from these ongoing programs, NCT has promoted 10,000 SHGs in 4 districts of Maharashtra and 3 districts of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Honey Project under UPNRM: NCT supports over 400 traditional tribal honey collectors through systematic training, collection, processing, and marketing of wild honey collected from tribal areas. The honey is sold under the brand name ‘Vanamrut’. In 2018, NCT marketed processed honey worth ₹20.80 lakhs for the Honey Collector’s Association.
  • Wadi Projects under Tribal Development Fund: NCT supports tribal families to develop one acre of orchard. Along with this they are also supported in soil conservation, water resource development, and capacity building. It has managed to generate employment and implement various income generating projects for the tribal community in Maharashtra, MP and Chhattisgarh.  Currently, NCT has 16 wadi projects covering 333 villages.
  • Watershed Development: NCT is implementing 4 watershed development projects in MP & Chhattisgarh.
  • NCT has won several awards from NABARD and one from State Bank of India in 2007.
FY 2019 (₹) FY 2020 (₹) FY 2021 (₹)
Government Sources 6,917,269 20,893,710 5,845,898
Foreign Sources - - 65,000
Institutional Sources 55,602,360 3,669,756 1,801,507
General Donations 725,000 600,000 100,000
Sales/Fees 9,729,170 6,344,721 3,991,009
Interest/Dividend 377,800 118,802 153,077
Other Income 113,224 5,363,296 8,429,248
Total Income (A) 73,464,824 36,990,285 20,385,739
Direct Program Activities 69,160,376 35,163,342 19,803,691
Program Staff Cost - 25,661 -
Travel Expenses - - -
Direct Program Expenses 69,160,376 35,189,003 19,803,691
Fund Raising Expenses - - -
General Staff Cost - - -
Overhead Expenses 1,264,900 684,064 408,073
Depreciation - - -
Other Expenses/Transfers 500 985,990 -
Total Expenditure (B) 70,425,776 36,859,057 20,211,764
Surplus / Deficit (A-B) 3,039,047 131,228 173,975
Fixed Assets - - -
Current Assets 25,266,778 25,425,833 31,704,939
Cash And Bank 24,676,314 9,660,926 3,451,412
Total Current Assets 49,943,092 35,086,759 35,156,351
Investments 3,015,334 - -
Accumulated Deficits - - -
Total Assets 52,958,426 35,086,759 35,156,351
Trust Corpus 1,680,500 1,770,500 1,870,500
General Funds 28,001,959 28,128,667 28,236,068
Earmarked Funds - - -
Unutilized Grants 10,672,171 - -
Total 40,354,630 29,899,167 30,106,568
Loans 12,543,796 5,075,000 2,075,000
Loans (From Members) - - -
Current Liabilities 60,000 112,592 2,974,783
Other Liabilities - - -
Total Liabilities 52,958,426 35,086,759 35,156,351
1) A large portion of the NGO's funding is from NABARD, and are included under Government Sources.
2) Other Income includes Written off loan recovered, Interest on IT, and Misc. receipts.
3) The NGO has provided overall amounts spent on various projects, but not a detailed breakdown.
4) Bank Charges and Additional Expenditure on TDF projects taken under Overheads.
5) Other Expenses includes Provision made for bad debts and write offs.
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021
Beneficiary Details
Direct Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Indirect Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Average Cost per Direct Beneficiary (₹) - - -
Staff Details
No. of Staff - - -
Number of Consultants - - -
Number Of Volunteers - - -
Total - - -
Highest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - - -
Lowest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - - -
Services Funds Raised (₹)
Total Funds Raised 3,810
NGO Name Sector Sub Sector Location % Spent on Beneficiaries Income (₹) Expense (₹)
Nageshwara Charitable Trust Livelihood Comprehensive Maharashtra 98 20,385,739 20,211,764
Sumruddhi Trust Livelihood Self Help Groups - Women Maharashtra 93 688,559 703,700
Sita Devi Foundation Livelihood Financial Inclusion Delhi 91 1,357,079 1,343,079
Kherwadi Social Welfare Association (Yuva Parivartan) Livelihood Vocational Training Maharashtra 86 241,261,020 241,023,292
ETASHA Society Livelihood Vocational Training Delhi 80 37,693,394 55,052,696
Outreach Association of Volunteers for Rural Development Livelihood Comprehensive Karnataka 79 24,575,785 26,071,792

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