Step 1 Select the Company You Trust Axis BankBajaj Auto LimitedBharat Petroleum Corporation LimitedHCL TechnologiesHDFC Bank LimitedHindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL)Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL)Hindustan Zinc LimitedICICI BankIndus Towers LimitedInfosysITC LimitedJSW Steel LimitedKotak Mahindra Bank LimitedLarsen & Toubro (L&T)National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)Oil And Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)Reliance Industries LimitedRural Electrification Corporation Limited (REC)State Bank of IndiaTata GroupTech MahindraUltratech Cement LimitedUPL LimitedWipro Limited
Step 2 Select the NGO they have supported
Or Select your own Cause / UN SDG / NGO Select your preferred Cause / UN SDG Select Cause / UN SDG Goal 1: No PovertyGoal 2: Zero HungerGoal 3: Good Health and Well BeingGoal 4: Quality EducationGoal 5: Gender EqualityGoal 6: Clean Water and SanitationGoal 7: Affordable and Clean EnergyGoal 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGoal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 10: Reduced InequalitiesGoal 11: Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesGoal 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionGoal 13: Climate ActionGoal 14: Life Below WaterGoal 15: Life on LandGoal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong InstitutionsGoal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Select an NGO Select NGO 17000 Ft FoundationAai CaretakerAakash Maindwal FoundationAakritiAaradhana SansthaAarambh TrustAarohanAarth-AsthaAashadeep Sri GanganagarAastha Foundation, AurangabadAastha ParivaarAbha Help MissionAbhaya FoundationAbhaya Kshethram Charitable TrustAbhinavAbhinav Bahuuddeshiya KalamanchAbhinav SamajAbhiprerna FoundationAbhivyakti Media for Development (AMD)Access Development ServicesAction Against Hunger FoundationAction for Agricultural Renewal In Maharashtra (AFARM)Action for AutismAction for Development and Welfare of Society and Environment (AFDWOSE)Action For Development Of Demos (ADD)Action for Rural Development Society (ARDS)Action of Human Movement (AHM)Adarsh Charitable TrustAdarsh Convent School SamitiAdarsh Shiksha SamitiADHARAdharshila Shiksha SamitiAftertaste FoundationAga Khan Agency for Habitat, India (AKAHI)Agewell FoundationAgragameeAhimsa Welfare SocietyAid for Social Change and Welfare AssociationAjinkya FoundationAjit FoundationAkanksha Public Charitable Trust (Imlee Mahuaa)Akhanda Seva for International Shanthi (Operation Shanthi)Akhil Bhartiya Gramodyog Seva SansthanAkshar TrustAkshaya Aahara FoundationAll Assam Jana Jagaran SocietyAll India Confederation of the Blind (AICB)Alternative for Rural Movement (ARM)Amar Seva SangamAmara Sabai Kailaspur Nandakumarpur Joutha SansthaAmcha GharAmhi Amachya ArogyasathiAmrapali Utkarsh SanghAmrit Foundation of IndiaAn Association for Development, Harmony and Action Research (AADHAAR)Anandidevi Raje Bahuddeshiya Mahila MandalAnant Education InitiativeAnchalika Jana Seva AnusthanAndhjan Kalyan TrustAngel Xpress Foundation (AXF)Animal Lives Are Important (ALAI)Ankur TrustAnmol Educational & Social Welfare SocietyAnnakshetra Foundation TrustAnnamitra Foundation (Formerly known as ISKCON Food Relief Foundation)Annapurna Mahila MandalAntaraAntarang FoundationAntyodaya Lok Karyakram (ALOK)Anugraha Trust For The HandicappedAnwar Education SocietyAnweshi Women Counselling CentreApnalayaApne Aap Women's CollectiveApni Shala FoundationArogya PrabodhiniAROHA Multipurpose SocietyArpanArpan Samaj Utthan SamitiArul Jothi Educational TrustArunodaya Shikshan SamitiAsha Kirana Seva TrustAsha-Kiran Shelters FoundationAshadeepAshray-AkrutiAshraya Seva TrustASSISTAssociation for Blindness & Leprosy Eradication (ABLE Charities)Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR)Association for Leprosy Education, Rehabilitation and Treatment (ALERT - India)Association for Neglected Group and Evangelical Leadership (ANGEL)Association for Rural Development (ARD)Association for Social and Health Advancement (ASHA)Association for Social Service and Educational TransformationAssociation for Sustainable Community Development (ASSCOD)Association for the Mentally Challenged, The (AMC)Association of People with Disability, The (APD)Astha SansthanAtma Education TrustAtulya VikashAvehi Public Charitable (Educational) TrustAyauskam, TheAyushi Jan Sewa Welfare FoundationAzad India FoundationBaduria Ashar AloBal Mahila KalyanBalajee Sewa SansthanBangalore Hospice Trust (BHT) - KarunashrayaBanjara Development SocietyBanwasi Vikas AshramBaradrone Social Welfare InstitutionBarnamala Educational & Cultural SocietyBasic Research Education and Development Society (BREAD Society)Bella Health Care Charitable Trust (BHCT)Berojgar Mahila Sewa SamitiBharathamatha Family Welfare FoundationBharatiya Varishtha Nagarik SamitiBharti FoundationBhartiya Bahuuddeshiya Khadi and Gramodhyog Shikshan SansthaBhatkya Vimukta Jati Shikshan Sanstha (BVJSS)Bhoruka Charitable Trust (BCT)Bhukamp Grastha Bahuudeshiya Vikas PratisthanBijapur Integrated Rural Development Society (BIRDS)Blessings Life Foundation TrustBlind Persons' AssociationBlind Welfare Council, DahodBombay Community Public Trust, The (BCPT)Breakthrough TrustBuddha Social Action TrustCambridge Education SocietyCancer Aid & Research Foundation (CARF)Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA)CanSupportCARD TrustCare India Medical SocietyCaritas IndiaCatalysts for Social Action (CSA)Centre for Collective Development (CCD)Centre for Environment Education (CEE)Centre for Rural Development and Planning (CRDP)Centre for Youth Development and Activities (CYDA)ChaitanyaChaitanya Educational and Rural Development Society (CERDS)Chaitanya Rural Development And Education Society (CRDES)Chakulia Rural Development SocietyCharutar Arogya MandalChild Aid FoundationChild Help FoundationChild Rights and You (CRY)Child Survival IndiaCHILDLINE India FoundationChildren Toy FoundationChintan Environmental Research & Action GroupChivalry Poverty Alleviation Development Association (CPADA)Christel House IndiaChuriya Muriya Shiksha Paryavaran Evum Swasthya Sewa SamitiClassic FoundationCo-Operation for Rural Excellence (CORE)COD NERC (Centre for Community Development Through Network, Education, Research, Training, Resource Mobilization and Capacity Building)Committed Communities Development Trust (CCDT)Committee for the Right to Housing (CRH)Communication for Development and Learning (CDL)Community Action Society (CAS)Community Aid & Sponsorship Programme (CASP)Community Development Centre (CDC)Community Development SocietyCommunity Outreach Programme (CORP)Compassionate Rural Association for Social Action (CRASA)Concerns Universe FoundationCOOJ Mental Health FoundationCouncil for Green RevolutionCuddles FoundationCultural Educational & Environmental Organisation (CEEO India)Daksh SocietyDakshin Charaikheya United ClubDantour Vikas Sarvajnik Puniyarth TrustDarshana Mahila Kalyan SamitiDEAN FoundationDeeds Public Charitable TrustDeep FoundationDeep Jyoti Charitable TrustDeepalayaDeepshikha Mahila Bal Utthan SamitiDelhi Council for Child Welfare (DCCW)Development Awareness Women Net (DAWN)Development Centre for Alternative Policies (DCAP)Development Promotion GroupDharmapuri Mavatta Pengal Mempattu SangamDHRUVH - Social Awareness ForumDigantar Shiksha Evam Khelkud SamitiDignity FoundationDikshaDipin FoundationDisha Social OrganisationDivya Downs Development TrustDivya Drishti Foundation (DDF) Diya FoundationDost Sewa SansthanDr. Ambedkar Sheti Vikas Va Sanshodhan SansthaDr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Bahuddeshiya Shikshan Prasarak MandalDr. Braja Vihari Mohanty Memorial Mentally Retarded Benefit TrustDream A DreamDrishtee FoundationDuars Alternative Medical Research InstituteEach One Teach One Charitable FoundationEarth Focus FoundationEcho Society for Community Operation and Redemption from Troubles (ESCORT)Eco Friendly Sports Organisation (EFSO)Ecoexist FoundationEconomic Rural Development Society (ERDS)Education, Communication and Development Trust (EDUCATR)Educo TrustEkvira Multipurpose FoundationEl Shaddai Charitable TrustElder Care TrustEmpowering Minds - Society for Research & DevelopmentEmpowerment for Rehabilitation Academic & Health (EFRAH)EnAble IndiaEquity Foundation - A Forum for Women & ChildETASHA SocietyFamily Planning Association of India (FPAI)Family Service CentreFellowship of the Physically Handicapped (FPH)Foundation For Excellence India Trust (FFEIT)Foundation for Initiatives in Development and Education for All (IDEA)Foundation for Reproductive Health Services India (FRHSI)Gajani FoundationGanga Shikshan Prasarak MandalGanpati Educational SocietyGarbage Concern Welfare SocietyGarden Reach Slum DevelopmentGayatri Shiksha Evam Seva SansthanGerman Leprosy and TB Relief Association-IndiaGhaswala Vision FoundationGlobal Hospital and Research CentreGnana Deepam Sevai MaiyamGohaldiha Jati Upajati Blue Bird Women Welfare CentreGoing To School FundGood Shepherd Educational & Rural Development SocietyGoonj..Gorachand Seba SamityGosavi Bahuuddeshiya SansthaGrace Multipurpose Service Trust (GMPST)Grace Peter Charitable TrustGram Chetna KendraGram Vikas TrustGramin Evam Nagar Vikas ParishadGramin Evam Samajik Vikas Sansthan (GSVS)Gramin Punarnirman SansthanGramin Samaj Kalyan Vikas Manch (GSKVM)Gramin Vikas Evam Paryavaran Sanstha (GVEPS)Gramin Vikas Samiti (GVS)Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS)Gramodhaya Social Service SocietyGrand Alliance TrustGreen Yatra TrustGuide for Rural Agriculture Development and Education Society (GRADES)Gunvati J. Kapoor Medical Relief Charitable FoundationH M Charitable TrustHariksha People's Welfare Trust (HPWT)Hariraj Charitable TrustHealth Education Library for People - Community Health Research Programme Charitable Trust (HELP)Help Foundation Helpers of the Handicapped, KolhapurHelpYourNGO FoundationHimalayan Jyoti Samiti, MussoorieHope Kolkata FoundationHuman and Institutional Development ForumHuman Capital for Third Sector (Katalyst)Human Development SocietyHuman Life SocietyHuman Welfare AssociationHyderabad Council of Human WelfareIbtadaIdhayam Thirunangaigal Munnetra SangamImpact India Foundation (IIF)In Defense of AnimalsINDCARE Charitable TrustIndia Community Development Service SocietyIndia Foundation for Humanistic Development (IFHD)India Foundation for the ArtsIndia Sponsorship Committee (ISC)Indian Association for Promotion Of Adoption and Child Welfare (IAPACW)Indian Association for the Blind (IAB)Indian Cancer Society (ICS)Indian Council for Mental Health, The (ICMH)Indian Dreams Foundation (IDF)Indian Grameen ServicesInformed Voter Project (MumbaiVotes)Inspire Institute of SportInstitute for Social, Cultural, Economic Research and Development (ISCERD)Institute of Applied Dermatology (IAD)Jabala Action Research OrganisationJai Vakeel Foundation and Research Centre (formerly The Research Society)Jan Chetna Manch PatamdaJan Manas Vikas SansthanJan Nirman KendraJan Sahas Social Development SocietyJanakalyanJanaseva FoundationJanhit FoundationJanmitram Kalyan SamitiJanvi Charitable TrustJanyaa FoundationJanyoday Vikash ParishadJawahar Jyoti Bal Vikas KendraJeevan Dhara Jeevan Lok Nirman SansthanJesus Sikshana Samsthe (JSS)Jhanjha Unnayan SamityJharkhand Animal Welfare Society (JAWS)Jidnyasa Charitable Trust Jyoti Bahuuddeshiya Sevabhavi Sanstha (JBSS)K.C. Mahindra Education Trust KalaMaharshee Shikshan SansthaKalinga Institute of Social SciencesKalkeri Sangeet VidyalayaKalyanam KarotiKandhamal Zilla Sabuja Vaidya SangathanKangra Art Promotion SocietyKankura Masat Social Welfare SocietyKarir Charitable Trust HospitalKarnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT)Karnataka Hemophilia SocietyKaruna Voluntary OrganizationKarunalya Social Welfare FoundationKashyap Divya Jyoti Sewa SocietyKesari Devi Charitable TrustKesharwani Shikshan Samiti (KSS)Keshav SrushtiKherwadi Social Welfare Association (Yuva Parivartan)Khushi Educational & Social TrustKhwahish Sewa Society - KHASSKidpower IndiaKing George V Memorial and Lady Dhunbai Jehangir Home for the DestitutesKripa FoundationKristalaya Mercy MissionKrushi Vikas Va Gramin Prashikshan Sanstha (KVGPS)Kumaon Agriculture and Greenery Advancement Society Pithoragarh (KAGAS)KutumbaLEPRA SocietyLifeSupporters Institute Of Health ScienceLight of Life Trust (LOLT)Literates Welfare Association (LAW)Lok Chetna Vikas KendraLok Kalyan SamitiLok Sevashram ChiksauraLove and Care India Trust (LACIT)Love N Care for AnimalsMaa Sharda Jan Kalyan Sewa SamitiMadhya Pradesh Viklang Sahayta SamitiMadurai Health and Leprosy Relief Centre (MAHELERECEN)Magic Bus India FoundationMahadebnagar Rural Welfare SocietyMahesh FoundationMahila Sewak SamajMahila Vikas and Shishu Sanskar KendraMake-A-Wish Foundation of IndiaMakkal Villipunarvu Kalvi Sangam (MVKS)Malenadu Education and Rural Development SocietyMamatha Makkala MandiraMamta Bahuuddeshiya SocietyManav Aashrita SansthanManav FoundationManav Swasthya Seva SansthanManav Utthan SamitiMann Deshi FoundationManoday Samaj Kalyan SansthaManosri Tarun Bani MandirMANUVIKASAMarathwada Gramin Vikas Sanstha (MGVS)Mashal Social Welfare SocietyMasoom Mauli Multipurpose Charitable SocietyMaya FoundationMedical Education and Nature Services (MEANS)Men Against Violence & Abuse (MAVA)MENTAIDMission Arogya Health & Technology Research FoundationMission Smile (Formerly Operation Smile India)Mithra FoundationMitra JyothiMobile Creches For Working Mothers ChildrenModern Educational Social & Cultural Organisation (MESCO)Motherchak Naboday Kishalay SanghaMothers NestMovement for Alternatives and Youth Awareness (MAYA)Mrida Education and Welfare SocietyMugavari FoundationMuktangan Education TrustMuktangan MitraMultiple Iniitiatives Towards Upliftment (MITU)Multiple Sclerosis Society of India - Mumbai ChapterMumbai Mobile Creches (MMC)Muncherjee Nowrojee Banajee Industrial Home for the Blind, The (MNB)Muskan Foundation for People with Multiple DisabilitiesNabadwip Bakultala Vidyalaya Praktan Chhatra Sammilanee (NBVPCS)Nageshwara Charitable TrustNai Umang Positive Welfare SocietyNaihati New Life SocietyNalanda Bahuddeshiya Sevabhavi SansthaNalantha Educational TrustNational Association for the Blind (India) (NAB)National Rural Research and Development Association (NARAD)National Youth FoundationNational Youth Service Action and Social Development Research Institute (NYSASDRI)Native Medicare Charitable TrustNatural Environmental Education and Research Foundation (Neer Foundation)Natural Streets For Performing Arts Foundation (NSPA)Nav Bharat Jagriti KendraNav ChetnaNavikru Eco FoundationNawamita, The Society For Underprivileged UpliftmentNeed Base IndiaNehru Vikas Manav SamitiNetherlands Leprosy Relief Foundation (NLR Foundation)New LifeNew Resolution IndiaNiramaya Arogya Dham, Natureopathy & Education CentreNiramaya Health FoundationNisarga FoundationNoida Deaf SocietyNorth Bengal Art AcademyOm Creations TrustOperation ASHAOpportunity Foundation Trust (Avasar)OSCAR (Organisation for Social Change, Awareness, and Responsibility) FoundationOscar Medical Foundation & Research FoundationOutreach Association of Volunteers for Rural DevelopmentPachhat Varg Vikas MandalPahalPahel Charitable SocietyParamshantidham Vridhashram TrustParaspara TrustPardarshitaParinaam FoundationParipurnataParisar AshaParivartan Samajik SansthaParivartan Sandesh Foundation (PSF)People for Animals (PFA)People's Institute of Rural Development (PIRD)Perkins School for the Blind India Foundation (Perkins India)Pipal Tree FoundationPlant & Animals Welfare Society (PAWS)Positive Women Network of Rajasthan (PWNR+)Prabhat Education FoundationPragati Holistic Development TrustPragati Jubak SanghaPraja FoundationPrajayatnaPrajwal Organisation, BelgaumPrakambanam Kala Sahithya Vedi & Prakambanam Educational Charitable TrustPrakriti Environment Society (PES)Pratham BooksPratham Infotech Foundation (PIF)PraveenLata SansthanPrem Seva Mahila MandalPreservation and Proliferation of Rural Resources and Nature (PRAN)Prime Educational and Social TrustPriyadarshini Seva MandaliProfessional Assistance For Development Action (PRADAN)Progressive Rural Active Youths Action for Society (PRAYAS)Prompt Care International FoundationPsycho Educational SocietyPublic Concern for Governance Trust (PCGT)Pune Neurosciences Trust and Research Society's SamavedanaPune Zilla Kalyankari Majur SansthaPurkal Youth Development Society (PYDS)Purnima Mahila Bahuuddeshiya SansthaPurnkutiPurusottam Educational Research Lokaseva Charitable Trust (PERLCT)Puttenahalli Neighbourhood Lake Improvement TrustQuality Medical Knowledge Foundation (QMed)QUEST ALLIANCER. P. Educational TrustRadha Medical TrustRaigarh Ambikapur Health Association (RAHA)Railway Children IndiaRajarhat PRASARIRajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal SansthaRajasthan Samgrah Kalyan SansthanRamalekshmi Educational And Charitable Trust (REACT)Ramashiv Bahuudeshiya Vikas SamitiRASTARatna Nidhi Charitable TrustReaching Hand TrustRedemption Research for Health and Education Development SocietyRejuvenate India MovementRenuka Mauli Sevabhavi Sanstha MajalgaonResource Exchange TrustRESQ Charitable Trust Richmond Fellowship Society (India), TheRitham Charitable TrustRMD Pain and Palliative Care TrustRosary TrustRuchika Social Service Organisation (RSSO)Rural Awareness Integrated Development Society (RAIDS)Rural Centre for Human Interests (RUCHI)Rural Development Foundation (RDF)Rural Education And Development Society (READS)Rural Educational Medical and Economical Development Society (REMEDS)Rural Environmental Awareness and Community Help (REACH)Rural Human Development Centre (RHDC)Rural Organisation for Poverty Eradication Services (ROPES)Rural Organizing for Social Improvement (ROSI Foundation)Rural Reconstruction Organisation (RRO)Rushabh FoundationS. M. Sehgal FoundationSaadhya Trust For Social DevelopmentSaahasSaath Charitable TrustSabarmathi Social Seva SangamSadbhav FoundationSadguru Seva Charitable TrustSadhanaSahaara Charitable SocietySaharaSahyadri Gramin Vikas Va Bahuuddeshiya Yuvak Kalyan SansthaSahyadri Nisarga MitraSahyadri Shikshan Prasarak MandalSahyogiSai Educational Rural & Urban Development Society (SERUDS)Sai KripaSajag Foundation NGOSakaar OutreachSakthi FoundationSalaam Baalak Trust - DelhiSalem Pengal Nalavazhuvu SangamSalem Thirunangaigal Nala SangamSamadhan FoundationSamanya Lok Bahuddeshiya Charitable TrustSamarthanam Trust for the DisabledSamashtiSambhav FoundationSamerth Charitable TrustSamparkSampurn Sahyog SansthanSanga Mithra Development Association (SAMIDA)Sangeeta Darvekar Charitable TrustSanjivani Health & Relief CommitteeSanjivani Medical Training CentreSankalp JyotiSankalpa Rural Development Society (SRDS)Sankara Eye HospitalSanskriti Samvardhan MandalSAPREM (Social Aspiration for Participatory Reforms by Evolved Manpower)Sarada Ramakrishna (Shishu-O-Mahila) SevashramSarojini Naidu Rural Welfare and Educational TrustSarthak FoundationSave The Children India (Vipla Foundation)SayTrees Environmental TrustSchool for Potential Advancement & Restoration of Confidence India (SPARC India)Score FoundationSense International (India)Seva Sadan SocietySevabharathiSEVAK - Society for Empowerment through Voluntary Action in KarnatakaSevalayaSHARE Society To Heal Aid Restore Educate (Swades Foundation)Shelter For Her Empowerment (SHE)Shield FoundationShikshan Ane Samaj Kalyan KendraShilpsree Mahila Sewa SamitiShiv Shiva (Sneh) SansthaShivgarjana Sevabhavi Sanstha Shivram Mahatme Memorial Eye Welfare Charitable TrustShramik BhartiShree Amrutvahini Gramvikas MandalShri B D Tatti(Annavaru)Memorial Charitable Trust LaxmeshwarShri Ganesh Shikshan Prasarak MandalShri Jagruti Bahuudeshiya Vikash Shikshan SansthaShri Sadguru Seva Sangh TrustShri Sai SansthaShrimad Rajchandra Sarvamangal TrustShripur Mahila-O-Khadi Unnayan Samiti (SMOKUS)ShubhamSiliguri Subhaspally Welfare OrganisationSir Shapurji Billimoria FoundationSiruthuliSisu Vikas SamitiSita Devi FoundationSlum Rehabilitation SocietySNEHA (Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action)Sneha Sagar SocietySnehalayaSocial Action and Rehabilitation Association (SARA)Social Action for Manpower Creation (SAMPARC)Social Institute Program for Rural Area (SIPRA)Social Upliftment and Development For Health Action (SUADHA)Social Welfare & Rural Development Society (SWRDS)Society for Animal, Health, Agriculture, Science and Humanity (SAHASH)Society For Child Development (SFCD)Society for Children (Soch)Society for Comprehensive Rural Health Projects in IndiaSociety for Development Activities (Project KHEL)Society for Human and Environmental Development (SHED)Society for Poor People Development (SPPD)Society for Service to Voluntary Agencies (SOSVA)Society for Social Transformation (SST)Society of Parents of Children with Autistic Disorders (SOPAN) Socio Economic Development Association (SEDA)Socio-Economic and Educational Development Society (SEEDS)SOS Children's Villages of IndiaSosva Training and Promotion Institute (STAPI)Soukhya Samrudhi SamstheSoukhya Sanjeevini SamstheSpandan Samaj Seva SamitiSrajan Samaj Sevi SansthaSree Guruvayurappan Bhajan Samaj Trust - UnnatiSri Chaitanya Seva TrustSri Lakshmi Pengal Munnetra SangamSrijon Foundation (Artscape)Srujna Charitable TrustSshrishtiSt. Josephs Leprosy Patients SocietySt. Luke's Community Health & Development Centre, BuldanaSt. Thomas Charitable and Educational TrustStree Mukti SanghatanaStudents Relief SocietySujaya FoundationSukalyan Welfare SocietySumruddhi TrustSunbeamSupport FoundationSurakshaSwabalambanSwadhar Institute for Development of Women and ChildrenSwami Vivekananda Yuva FoundationSwastiSwayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP)SwayamkrushiTamahar TrustTeach to Lead (Teach For India)Tears FoundationThalassemia and Sickle Cell Society (TSCS)Thane Community for the Protection and Care of Animals (Thane CPCA)The Akanksha FoundationThe Akshaya Patra FoundationThe CounterMedia Trust (PARI)The Earth TrustThe Last Truth Foundation (TLTF)The Leprosy Mission Trust IndiaThe National Association of Disabled's Enterprises (NADE)The Opentree Foundation (Toybank)The Organisation for the Development of People (ODP)The Resilient FoundationThe Society for Door Step Schools The Spine FoundationThe Welfare of Stray DogsTheni Mavatta Pengal Samuga Porulathara Munnetra SangamThinkSharp FoundationThiyagam Women TrustTowards FutureTribal Educate Awareness Management Society (Teams Society)Tribal Health InitiativeTrinayaniTriratna Prerana MandalTurning Point FoundationTurnstone GlobalUdaan SocietyUdaan Welfare FoundationUdayan CareUjjaini Senior Citizens ForumUma Educational & Technical Society Umang Charitable TrustUmang FoundationUmmeed Child Development CenterUnited Artists' Association V Care FoundationV-Excel Educational TrustVAANI Deaf Children's FoundationVanarai TrustVanashaktiVanchit VikasVathsalya Charitable TrustVatsalyaVeer Surendra Sai Institute For Mentally HandicappedVerala Development SocietyVictoria Memorial School for the Blind, TheVidya & Child (Project under JPNMT)Vidya PoshakVidya Vardhini Foundation TrustVidyanagar Nature ClubVidyanikethanVidyaranya Vidyarthi Sahayyak Samiti (Warora)Vijay Krida MandalVikahar Paribar Bikash KendraVikas Sahyog PratishthanVikashVillage Development Centre Virs Educational and Training Foundation (VETF)Visamo Kids Foundation (VKF)Vishwas SansthanVision India FoundationVisionaries For Integrated Social Initiatives Of Network (Vision Odisha)VKS Sharanya Welfare SocietyVoluntary Organization In Community Enterprises (VOICE)VruttiWe Will Help Charitable FoundationWildlife Trust of India (WTI)Wise Men Civic Welfare AssociationWomen's Emancipation and Development Trust (WED Trust)Women's Organisation in Rural Development (WORD)WomenWeave Charitable TrustWorld Without ObstaclesYashodhan Education TrustYouth for Social Development (YSD)Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA)YouthreachYusuf Memorial TrustYuva Rural AssociationYuva Urban Initiatives
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