HelpYourNGO - Livelihood - Verala-Development--Society

Verala Development Society

Sector: Livelihood
Sub Sector: Agriculture
Tax Deduction: 50% u/s 80G of The Income Tax Act, 1961

% Spent on Beneficiaries

HelpYourNGO USP: Our Research Team studies the NGO's financials to arrive at ratios, variances and the % spent on beneficiaries. This % is the proportion of direct program expenses to total expenditure for the latest financial year, indicating the total direct spend on beneficiaries.

Year of Establishment : 1969
Registered Address : 14/51, Gokak Sadan, Kala Nagar, P. Box 49, Sangli 416416, Maharashtra
Presence :
Website :
Email :
Telephone : +91 233 2310288
Donor Contact : Mr. Arun Chavan / +91 9423829508 /
Registered Under : The Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950
Auditor : U. G. Dafalapurkar & Co.
Bankers : IDBI Bank
Trustees/Directors/Managing Committee: : Mr. Khanajirao B. Jadhav - President, Mr. Bhagwanrao M. Savashe - Vice President, Mr. Arun D. Chavan - Secretary, Mr. Dhondiram W. Jadhav - Member, Mr. Ramchandra M. Yadav - Member, Mr. Suresh A. Patil - Member, Mr. Jaysingrao B. Kadam - Member, Mr. Satish V. Lavhate - Jt. Secretary, Dr. Jai D. Kulkarni - Jt. Secretary

VDS initially worked to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the villages in the Sangli district which suffered from chronic drought. They soon came to feel that an improvement in agricultural production in rain-fed areas, provision of basic infrastructure, and educational facilities, were the most pressing needs of the people.

Therefore, with the primary objective of community development, VDS has facilitated multiple initiatives to ensure all aspects of its beneficiaries’ lives are impacted. Accordingly the programmes VDS has conceived, and run, fall in the categories of:

  • Women and Child Rights Campaign (WCRC):  This programme continued to be funded by USA based organization named Gophilanthropic. It was implemented by 6 paid activists and 250 village-based volunteers. They helped around 595 women and children secure their entitlements under various government schemes. VDS received cooperation from the district administration and the print media.
  • Education and Migrant Children School Project: The NGO continued to run teaching centres at brick yards for migrant children. The teaching centres will yield results if the same group of children continue with schooling when they return to their villages and then come back in the following season to the teaching centres at the brick yards. In FY13, VDS had mentioned the plan to appoint personnel to conduct assessments of the children at their village schools to gauge if they have benefitted from the efforts made at the brick yard teaching centres. However it is not clear from the FY14 Annual Report if this appointment took place. Water scarcity in rain-fed areas in 2015 is likely to make it very difficult for children to continue their education in their native villages. VDS proposes to appoint personnel to safeguard the educational interests of the children at their native villages.
FY 2012 (₹) FY 2013 (₹) FY 2014 (₹)
Government Sources - - -
Foreign Sources 323,420 849,482 817,007
Institutional Sources - - -
General Donations 1,948 5,654 12,206
Sales/Fees 173,280 251,312 152,600
Interest/Dividend 5,409 12,191 5,731
Other Income 11,932 33,969 19,537
Total Income (A) 515,990 1,152,607 1,007,081
Direct Program Activities 18,968 77,119 179,661
Program Staff Cost 266,400 573,785 578,122
Travel Expenses 66,910 112,090 131,382
Direct Program Expenses 285,368 650,904 757,783
Fund Raising Expenses - 1,500 3,105
General Staff Cost 144,207 190,800 236,561
Overhead Expenses 195,660 281,426 167,685
Depreciation - - -
Other Expenses/Transfers - - -
Total Expenditure (B) 692,145 1,236,720 1,296,516
Surplus / Deficit (A-B) -176,155 -84,114 -289,435
Fixed Assets 12,486,079 12,504,274 12,505,444
Current Assets 555,323 563,015 528,955
Cash And Bank 113,150 289,501 196,495
Total Current Assets 13,154,552 13,356,790 13,230,894
Investments 215,000 215,000 298,000
Accumulated Deficits 3,651,957 3,736,071 4,025,506
Total Assets 17,021,509 17,307,861 17,554,400
Trust Corpus 1,151,495 1,151,495 1,151,495
General Funds - - -
Earmarked Funds 127,260 166,911 127,260
Unutilized Grants 14,102,655 14,153,094 14,245,572
Total 15,381,410 15,471,500 15,524,327
Loans - - -
Loans (From Members) - - -
Current Liabilities 1,640,099 1,836,361 2,030,073
Other Liabilities - - -
Total Liabilities 17,021,509 17,307,861 17,554,400
1) Grant funds utilised during the year have been accounted as Income & Expenses under ICAI Guidelines.
2) Cost of brochures/flyers and advertisement taken as Fund Raising Costs.
3) The NGO has set up various buildings, sheds, pipelines, and wells with the help of the community. These and other assets have not been physically verified by the Auditors, but the NGO has confirmed that all assets are in existence and in their possession except for power looms (Rs1mn). No depreciation was provided during the year.
FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014
Beneficiary Details
Direct Beneficiaries (nos.) 400 400 -
Indirect Beneficiaries (nos.) 12,000 12,000 -
Average Cost per Direct Beneficiary (₹) - - -
Staff Details
No. of Staff 21 10 -
Number of Consultants - - -
Number Of Volunteers 6 6 -
Total 27 16 -
Highest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) 120,000 120,000 -
Lowest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) 24,000 24,000 -
NGO Name Sector Sub Sector Location % Spent on Beneficiaries Income (₹) Expense (₹)
Sumruddhi Trust Livelihood Self Help Groups - Women Maharashtra 93 688,559 703,700
Sita Devi Foundation Livelihood Financial Inclusion Delhi 91 1,357,079 1,343,079
Kherwadi Social Welfare Association (Yuva Parivartan) Livelihood Vocational Training Maharashtra 86 241,261,020 241,023,292
ETASHA Society Livelihood Vocational Training Delhi 80 37,693,394 55,052,696
Outreach Association of Volunteers for Rural Development Livelihood Comprehensive Karnataka 79 24,575,785 26,071,792
Verala Development Society Livelihood Agriculture Maharashtra 69 1,007,081 1,296,516

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