HelpYourNGO - Livelihood - Rural-Centre-for-Human-Interests-(RUCHI)

Rural Centre for Human Interests (RUCHI)

Sector: Livelihood
Sub Sector: Agriculture
Tax Deduction: 50% u/s 80G of The Income Tax Act, 1961

UN Sustainable Development Goals:
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% Spent on Beneficiaries

HelpYourNGO USP: Our Research Team studies the NGO's financials to arrive at ratios, variances and the % spent on beneficiaries. This % is the proportion of direct program expenses to total expenditure for the latest financial year, indicating the total direct spend on beneficiaries.

Year of Establishment : 1980
Registered Address : Bandh, Bhaguri, Solan 173233 , Himachal Pradesh
Presence : Himachal Pradesh
Website :
Email :
Telephone : +91 1792 207002, +91 8679078500
Donor Contact : Mr. Mukesh Kumar / +91 9805836960 /
Registered Under : The Societies Registration Act, 1860
Auditor : R. Ahuja & Associates
Bankers : Axis Bank
Trustees/Directors/Managing Committee: : Dr. A. K. Kapoor - President, Ms. Poonam Sharma - Vice President, Mr. Surender Singh - Member, Mr. Surajbhan - Member, Ms. Chetna Soni - Member, Mr. Dharamvir Singh - Secretary

The Rural Centre for Human Interests (popularly known as RUCHI) has incessantly worked towards uplifting the living conditions of the underprivileged section in selected regions of Himachal Pradesh, India focusing on integrated rural development through people-centered, environmentally sustainable action. It envisions a society which believes in and practices peace, good governance, equality and respect for each other.

Some of their activities are:

  • Projects under Erasmus+ programme of European Union:
    • Time for Tea: An educational activity which uses tea to give young people a voice thereby encouraging global learning, creative thinking and social action. It is accessible to people of any age, background or ability, anywhere in the world.
    • Recall: It seeks to build the capacity of youth organizations in Europe and Asia to promote green skills, circular economy and youth-led green entrepreneurship in encouraging positive social change in rural areas of involved countries. Includes four pillars– Environment, Economy, Society and Culture to fight youth unemployment in rural areas.
    • Global Pathways: To contribute at mainstreaming Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education in non-formal sector as to combat youth unemployment.
  • Waste Upcycling: It aims to enhance the organisations’ competencies to host and implement change-making experiences on waste upcycling with common quality standards, and to develop an innovative sustainable entrepreneurial concept, based on non-formal education principles, to make positive impact in local communities, with the purpose of:
    • Offering quality-learning experiences to international participants
    • Raising awareness at international and local level on waste issues
    • Financially supporting non-profit organisations and local communities through social entrepreneurship
    • Helping the local community to manage better manage the waste
  • Development of Water, Health and Agriculture: The activity facilitates community members in increasing their productivity and economic status. In the short and medium term, the activity improves sanitation and drinking water facilities for all communities, surrounding villages receives support to implement water conservation techniques which will positively impact to increase water availability for irrigation. This along with training and resources for crop diversification increases the productivity and yield from the land.
  • International Voluntary Service: Any person is open to volunteer and can join RUCHI for an internship thereby getting overall exposure to grass root situations in the local areas and working for the common cause.
FY 2020 (₹) FY 2021 (₹) FY 2022 (₹)
Government Sources - - -
Foreign Sources - 89,049 2,114,162
Institutional Sources - - -
General Donations 1,018,024 20,000 156,380
Sales/Fees 246,132 - 200,000
Interest/Dividend 325,541 179,269 138,885
Other Income 1,540,161 1,000 1,627
Total Income (A) 3,129,858 289,318 2,611,054
Direct Program Activities 1,580,247 404,759 2,173,082
Program Staff Cost 1,202,903 171,840 248,286
Travel Expenses 262,782 134,029 158,204
Direct Program Expenses 2,783,150 576,599 2,421,368
Fund Raising Expenses - - -
General Staff Cost - - -
Overhead Expenses 80,432 116,594 55,920
Depreciation - - -
Other Expenses/Transfers - - -
Total Expenditure (B) 3,126,364 827,222 2,635,492
Surplus / Deficit (A-B) 3,494 -537,904 -24,438
Fixed Assets 529,571 460,663 403,430
Current Assets 78,148 57,818 90,228
Cash And Bank 1,973,174 1,100,908 638,621
Total Current Assets 2,580,893 1,619,389 1,132,279
Investments 2,700,000 2,250,000 1,672,221
Accumulated Deficits - - -
Total Assets 5,280,893 3,869,389 2,804,500
Trust Corpus 860,897 470,163 412,930
General Funds 601,410 924,403 899,965
Earmarked Funds 3,555,369 2,173,781 1,491,605
Unutilized Grants 201,805 272,842 -
Total 5,219,481 3,841,189 2,804,500
Loans - - -
Loans (From Members) - - -
Current Liabilities 61,412 28,200 -
Other Liabilities - - -
Total Liabilities 5,280,893 3,869,389 2,804,500
1) The NGO has provided overall amounts spent on various projects, but not a detailed breakdown.
2) Depreciation on Fixed Assets is deducted directly from the Capital Fund created for the purpose.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Beneficiary Details
Direct Beneficiaries (nos.) - 2,500 500
Indirect Beneficiaries (nos.) - 2,500 3,200
Average Cost per Direct Beneficiary (₹) 2,438 2,438 2,438
Staff Details
No. of Staff - 7 9
Number of Consultants - - 1
Number Of Volunteers - - 1
Total - 7 11
Highest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - 480,000 480,000
Lowest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - 15,000 15,000
Services Funds Raised (₹)
Donation 1,000
Total Funds Raised 3,190
NGO Name Sector Sub Sector Location % Spent on Beneficiaries Income (₹) Expense (₹)
Rural Centre for Human Interests (RUCHI) Livelihood Agriculture Himachal Pradesh 98 2,611,054 2,635,492
Sumruddhi Trust Livelihood Self Help Groups - Women Maharashtra 93 688,559 703,700
Sita Devi Foundation Livelihood Financial Inclusion Delhi 91 1,357,079 1,343,079
Kherwadi Social Welfare Association (Yuva Parivartan) Livelihood Vocational Training Maharashtra 86 241,261,020 241,023,292
ETASHA Society Livelihood Vocational Training Delhi 80 37,693,394 55,052,696
Outreach Association of Volunteers for Rural Development Livelihood Comprehensive Karnataka 79 24,575,785 26,071,792

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