you heard of Johnson & Johnson although
moms would have right Johnson & Johnson
has built the ability to track in
hospitals in clinics and everywhere else
the number of pregnant women it captures
our information and from the time it
acquires our information it starts
communicating with these women sense
material across about what to do what
not to do how to do it what to watch out
for and so on and so forth educational
stuff sometimes some free samples right
when the baby is born what do you think
these proud mamas when they go out to
buy stuff for their kids which brand
would they be most likely to choose
why because Johnson & Johnson like many
other organizations most multinational
very few Indian have recognized that
every client if treated with this
perception can create phenomenal value
let`s try and look at it from a donor
perspective so I have donor X any
average amount that you would like to
say in a year an average donor gives you
50 bucks I am talking about amount of
money sorry I was supposed to ask is the
temperature okay are you guys freezing
or no it`s okay okay pretty odd ask me
but I given my motor mounts didn`t falls
to ask average donation amount guys by
an average donor in your NGOs how much
three thousand fifty thousand three
thousand ok let`s go with 5000
what is the lifetime value of this door
have you ever thought about it let me
share with you a potential amount
if this is your one if I`m able to
retain and grow this client over a
10-year period how much money would i
alright so if it doesn`t increase this
amount 50,000 if I am able to crack how
to get him to grow with me then maybe a
lot 5 lakhs over 10 years right now this
is the donor
if he has a good experience if he is
getting value if it`s a mutually
beneficial relationship he is going to
talk about it because if you start
treating each of your donors as people
with the potential to create 50 X what
they are doing today it is possible if
you get your team`s to focus on creating
strategies which will ensure these
people stay with you and they grow their