HelpYourNGO - - Adharshila-Shiksha-Samiti

Adharshila Shiksha Samiti

Sector: Education
Sub Sector: School
Tax Deduction: 50% u/s 80G of The Income Tax Act, 1961

UN Sustainable Development Goal:
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% Spent on Beneficiaries

HelpYourNGO USP: Our Research Team studies the NGO's financials to arrive at ratios, variances and the % spent on beneficiaries. This % is the proportion of direct program expenses to total expenditure for the latest financial year, indicating the total direct spend on beneficiaries.

Year of Establishment : 2003
Registered Address : E-314, Anandlok Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase 1, Delhi 110091, Delhi
Presence :
Website :
Email :;
Telephone : +91 8964860938
Donor Contact : Dr. Asmita Kabra / +91 9810094224 /
Registered Under : The M P Societies Registration Act, 1973
Auditor : Pinto M. P. & Associates
Bankers : Punjab National Bank
Trustees/Directors/Managing Committee: : Dr. Asmita Kabra - President, Dr. Arnab Mukherji - Vice-President, Mr. Syed Merajuddin - Secretary, Ms. Shweta Rao - Treasurer, Ms. Abha Singhal Joshi - Member, Mr. Pradeep Joshi - Member, Ms. Pratima Mishra - Member

Over the years, Adharshilas direct education activities have increased to over 40 villages through their model school at Agraa and Resource Centres. More than 150 students attend the Adharshila Resource Centres while 330 students attend the model school at Agraa.

25% of students at the Adharshila School in Agraa are exempted from all fees. Adharshila also provides free education to adivasi students irrespective of any government rules or conditions

Their goal has been to improve the quality of school education in their area of operation over a two-year period from 2012-14.

Their activities in 2013-14 were as follows:

  • Pedagogy: The Adharshila team broke down the syllabus for each subject at every grade into skills so that teachers can impart these skills and test the level of competency at the end of teaching each skill. They began pilot testing, and the new pedagogy was to be functional from the next academic session. Children will then be evaluated on a continuous basis on skill assessment instead of through term-end examinations.
  • Teacher’s Training: Teacher training is undertaken throughout the year at Adharshila, in addition to at least one exclusive training camp each academic year. The training for 2013-14 focused on preparing primary level teachers to teach according to their new pedagogy.
  • Resource Material: All students of Adharshila upto Class 10 are provided with textbooks and notebooks free of cost. The books are taken back at the end of the academic session and redistributed to new students and replaced by new books if required. 747 new books and 2,200 notebooks were purchased in 2013-14.

Adharshila is also looking to set up three new Resource Centres in two adivasi villages that were expected to be operational by April 2014. This will help Adharshila reach out to 110 new children. In the next five years, they expect to cover more than 50 villages, especially those where a majority of the population comes from the Sahariya Adivasi tribes.

FY 2017 (₹) FY 2018 (₹) FY 2019 (₹)
Government Sources 3,232,795 275,235 348,333
Foreign Sources - - -
Institutional Sources 1,884,961 1,233,410 262,150
General Donations 988,801 459,580 439,100
Sales/Fees 136,100 206,560 13,463
Interest/Dividend 29,294 17,275 209,000
Other Income 836 - 70,000
Total Income (A) 6,272,787 2,192,060 1,342,046
Direct Program Activities 5,815,877 1,706,890 523,957
Program Staff Cost 212,704 229,100 407,615
Travel Expenses 55,071 19,960 30,640
Direct Program Expenses 6,028,581 1,935,990 931,572
Fund Raising Expenses - 300 17,320
General Staff Cost - - -
Overhead Expenses 104,128 239,170 314,974
Depreciation 72,237 45,217 36,971
Other Expenses/Transfers - - -
Total Expenditure (B) 6,260,018 2,240,637 1,331,476
Surplus / Deficit (A-B) 12,769 -48,577 10,570
Fixed Assets 790,596 831,800 807,579
Current Assets 1,500,797 1,361,280 988,771
Cash And Bank 52,415 87,956 336,891
Total Current Assets 2,343,808 2,281,036 2,133,241
Investments 63,068 74,321 79,296
Accumulated Deficits - - -
Total Assets 2,406,876 2,355,357 2,212,537
Trust Corpus 232,671 315,672 328,422
General Funds 936,264 887,687 898,257
Earmarked Funds 600,000 600,000 600,000
Unutilized Grants - - -
Total 1,768,935 1,803,359 1,826,679
Loans 221,500 117,100 21,500
Loans (From Members) - - -
Current Liabilities 416,441 434,898 364,358
Other Liabilities - - -
Total Liabilities 2,406,876 2,355,357 2,212,537
1. Grants and Donations taken under Institutional sources. 2. Service charges includes fees from various sources including for students. 3. Staff costs tend to be high for NGOs that operate schools due to teacher salaries.
FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019
Beneficiary Details
Direct Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Indirect Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Average Cost per Direct Beneficiary (₹) - - -
Staff Details
No. of Staff - - -
Number of Consultants - - -
Number Of Volunteers - - -
Total - - -
Highest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - - -
Lowest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - - -
NGO Name Sector Sub Sector Location % Spent on Beneficiaries Income (₹) Expense (₹)
H M Charitable Trust Education Scholarships Maharashtra 100 1,488,546 1,478,865
Atulya Vikash Education Services Jharkhand 97 333,630 333,127
Foundation For Excellence India Trust (FFEIT) Education Scholarships Karnataka 95 658,104,660 660,524,997
K.C. Mahindra Education Trust Education Girl Child Maharashtra 85 1,339,741,000 1,344,351,000
Atma Education Trust Education Services Maharashtra 76 19,739,697 17,160,220
Adharshila Shiksha Samiti Education School Delhi 72 1,342,046 1,331,476

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