HelpYourNGO - Education - Deep-Jyoti-Charitable-Trust

Deep Jyoti Charitable Trust

Sector: Education
Sub Sector: Learning Centre
Tax Deduction: 50% u/s 80G of The Income Tax Act, 1961

% Spent on Beneficiaries

HelpYourNGO USP: Our Research Team studies the NGO's financials to arrive at ratios, variances and the % spent on beneficiaries. This % is the proportion of direct program expenses to total expenditure for the latest financial year, indicating the total direct spend on beneficiaries.

Year of Establishment : 2010
Registered Address : Ward No. 12, Sukhpur, Supaul 852130, Bihar
Presence :
Website : https://Under Construction
Email :
Telephone : +91 9534373717
Donor Contact : Mr. Prabin G. / +91 8877137393 /
Registered Under : The Indian Trust Act, 1882
Auditor : Shiv Raj Sohan & Co.
Bankers : State Bank of India
Trustees/Directors/Managing Committee: : Mr. Chandan Kumar Choudhary - Chairman, Mr. Prabin Ghimire - Founder and Trustee, Ms. Varinder Kaur - Founder and Trustee

Some of their key activities:

  • Women Empowerment: In FY14, DJCT started a women’s empowerment group focused on sewing. A group of 15 women come to DJCT’s campus daily for three hours in the afternoon. Some of them learn sewing, some learn English and some learn computer skills. The women are very interested in sewing and DJCT hired a stitching expert to teach a class on sewing. Due to high demand, the NGO purchased two more sewing machines to accommodate more women and expand the group. They currently have four sewing machines which are put to good use daily.
  • Education: They aim to provide non-formal education for poor & needy children and adults. DJCT aims to: 1) enrol them in their educational programme or in government-run schools; 2) improve their skill up to the appropriate level in government schools; and 3) increase their skills and knowledge up to the level for their class in private schools. Beyond education, they try to improve the overall well-being of the children by providing basic health needs, encourage extra-curricular activities and provide vocational training.
  • Sanitation: DJCT promotes environmental awareness by providing information on conservation, pollution, recycling, etc. They have completed a large community toilet block serving citizens of the Supaul District.
  • Meals for children: They provide meals to 50 young students daily after their afternoon study session. They observed that the children took an interest in learning about the cooking process. As a result, many of them began to participate in cooking the afternoon meal and learnt to cook a few dishes. 
FY 2012 (₹) FY 2013 (₹) FY 2014 (₹)
Government Sources - - -
Foreign Sources - - -
Institutional Sources - - -
General Donations 295,600 611,500 859,300
Sales/Fees - - -
Interest/Dividend 325 2,985 2,699
Other Income - - -
Total Income (A) 295,925 614,485 861,999
Direct Program Activities 136,919 451,381 758,390
Program Staff Cost 60,000 90,000 -
Travel Expenses 13,968 13,571 16,440
Direct Program Expenses 196,919 541,381 758,390
Fund Raising Expenses 1,700 - -
General Staff Cost 5,000 7,000 3,500
Overhead Expenses 32,647 35,669 58,977
Depreciation 14,401 21,462 17,048
Other Expenses/Transfers - - -
Total Expenditure (B) 264,635 619,083 854,355
Surplus / Deficit (A-B) 31,290 -4,598 7,644
Fixed Assets 51,598 38,021 38,423
Current Assets - - -
Cash And Bank 1,992 6,971 8,713
Total Current Assets 53,590 44,992 47,136
Investments - - -
Accumulated Deficits - - -
Total Assets 53,590 44,992 47,136
Trust Corpus - - -
General Funds 38,090 33,492 41,136
Earmarked Funds - - -
Unutilized Grants - - -
Total 38,090 33,492 41,136
Loans - - -
Loans (From Members) - - -
Current Liabilities 15,500 11,500 6,000
Other Liabilities - - -
Total Liabilities 53,590 44,992 47,136
FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014
Beneficiary Details
Direct Beneficiaries (nos.) 100 50 -
Indirect Beneficiaries (nos.) 450 800 -
Average Cost per Direct Beneficiary (₹) - - -
Staff Details
No. of Staff 2 2 -
Number of Consultants 1 1 -
Number Of Volunteers 6 12 -
Total 9 15 -
Highest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) 42,000 66,000 -
Lowest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) 30,000 24,000 -
NGO Name Sector Sub Sector Location % Spent on Beneficiaries Income (₹) Expense (₹)
H M Charitable Trust Education Scholarships Maharashtra 100 1,488,546 1,478,865
Atulya Vikash Education Services Jharkhand 97 333,630 333,127
Foundation For Excellence India Trust (FFEIT) Education Scholarships Karnataka 95 658,104,660 660,524,997
Deep Jyoti Charitable Trust Education Learning Centre Bihar 91 861,999 854,355
K.C. Mahindra Education Trust Education Girl Child Maharashtra 85 1,339,741,000 1,344,351,000
Atma Education Trust Education Services Maharashtra 76 19,739,697 17,160,220

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