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Foundation For Excellence India Trust (FFEIT)

Sector: Education
Sub Sector: Scholarships
Tax Deduction: 50% u/s 80G of The Income Tax Act, 1961

UN Sustainable Development Goal:
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% Spent on Beneficiaries

HelpYourNGO USP: Our Research Team studies the NGO's financials to arrive at ratios, variances and the % spent on beneficiaries. This % is the proportion of direct program expenses to total expenditure for the latest financial year, indicating the total direct spend on beneficiaries.

Year of Establishment : 2003
Registered Address : No. 840, MHT House, 1st Floor, 5th Main, Indiranagar 1st Stage, Bengaluru 560038, Karnataka
Presence : Pan India
Website :
Email :
Telephone : +91 80 25201925
Donor Contact : Mr. R. S. Sastri / +91 9880547390 /
Registered Under : The Indian Trust Act, 1882
Auditor : G. S. Prakash & Co
Bankers : ICICI Bank Ltd
Trustees/Directors/Managing Committee: : Ms. Sudha Kidao - Managing Trustee, Ms. Smita V. Uttarwar - Trustee, Mr. Rishikesha T. Krishnan - Trustee, Mr. Venktesh Shukla - Trustee, Mr. Arun M. Kumar - Trustee

The Foundation for Excellence India Trust (FFEIT) is the Indian arm of the United States-headquartered Foundation for Excellence Inc. (FFE). It creates a wave of hope and prosperity, breaking the cycle of despair and launching students into a path of excellence by providing scholarships to economically weak, deserving students pursuing professional courses thereby impacting and transforming the lives of students through higher education support. Beyond financial support, FFEIT offers soft skills training, upskilling opportunities, and individual mentorship from corporate volunteers and alumni, preparing students for successful careers.

Major Interventions:

Scholarship Program: FFEIT offers merit-cum-means scholarships to students pursuing professional degrees in Technology, Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Law. Designed to support exceptionally talented students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds ensuring that financial limitations do not hinder their educational aspirations. Scholarships are awarded based on merit and family income, with eligibility requiring students to meet rank criteria from national or state exams and an annual family income cap of Rs. 3 Lakhs. The program, which has been successfully running for 29 years, provided annual scholarships of at least Rs. 40,000 to eligible students in FY23, renewable until graduation. Beyond financial aid, the program includes Student Development Programs offering skills training, mentoring, and employment opportunities, ensuring a comprehensive support system for the scholars.

Skill Development and Job Readiness Program: This comprehensive 4-year training initiative for Engineering, BPharm, and Law students involves a curated set of skills courses provided through vendor partners. It starts with first-year students completing the AMCAT (Aspiring Minds' Computer Adaptive Test) diagnostic assessment by Aspiring Minds to identify specific skill gaps. Throughout the program, students receive training via app-based platforms, including Baseline and Endline tests, advanced English learning programs, technical skills training, and mock interviews. Corporate partners offer additional virtual training in technical and soft skills, effectively addressing skill gaps and resulting in minimal dropout rates, high job placement records, and impressive salaries for graduating engineers.

Leadership & Mentorship Program: The FLY (Find the Leader in You) workshops are designed to impart non-cognitive skills essential for personality and character development, focusing on five key pillars: Conscientiousness, Taking Initiative, Perseverance, Innovativeness, and Problem Solving. The in-house mentoring program facilitates regular one-on-one interactions providing students with valuable insights into real-world expectations and situations. It connects third-year scholars with industry experts for personalized career guidance, enhancing skills and boosting career readiness. Feedback highlights high satisfaction, celebrating successful partnerships and recognizing outstanding mentors through dedicated sessions.

FY 2021 (₹) FY 2022 (₹) FY 2023 (₹)
Government Sources - - -
Foreign Sources 146,645,052 108,234,890 155,479,132
Institutional Sources 6,498,957 23,536,291 1,935,133
General Donations 233,287,108 385,264,285 491,202,409
Sales/Fees - - -
Interest/Dividend 6,547,132 7,916,100 9,487,986
Other Income 49,429 40,000 -
Total Income (A) 393,027,677 524,991,566 658,104,660
Direct Program Activities 347,369,307 499,118,512 625,363,787
Program Staff Cost 15,240,765 23,143,786 -
Travel Expenses 40,013 136,787 1,209,170
Direct Program Expenses 362,610,072 522,262,298 625,363,787
Fund Raising Expenses - - -
General Staff Cost - - 27,882,386
Overhead Expenses 5,091,359 3,158,979 5,600,483
Depreciation 344,968 433,353 469,171
Other Expenses/Transfers 13,738,270 - -
Total Expenditure (B) 381,824,682 525,991,417 660,524,997
Surplus / Deficit (A-B) 11,202,996 -999,851 -2,420,337
Fixed Assets 1,245,770 1,301,235 1,442,171
Current Assets 1,140,252 1,586,653 1,727,802
Cash And Bank 56,528,920 52,237,967 68,046,796
Total Current Assets 58,914,942 55,125,855 71,216,769
Investments 90,893,666 91,183,571 71,115,388
Accumulated Deficits - - -
Total Assets 149,808,608 146,309,426 142,332,157
Trust Corpus 19,588,969 24,390,969 24,590,969
General Funds 120,848,414 119,848,563 117,428,226
Earmarked Funds - 1,995,825 60,693
Unutilized Grants 9,296,463 - -
Total 149,733,846 146,235,357 142,079,888
Loans - - -
Loans (From Members) - - -
Current Liabilities 74,762 74,069 252,269
Other Liabilities - - -
Total Liabilities 149,808,608 146,309,426 142,332,157
1) Income from Foreign Sources mainly includes grants from Foundation for Excellence Inc (USA).
2) Donations include funds received from Non-FCRA sources, with no further bifurcations provided.
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Beneficiary Details
Direct Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Indirect Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Average Cost per Direct Beneficiary (₹) - - -
Staff Details
No. of Staff - - -
Number of Consultants - - -
Number Of Volunteers - - -
Total - - -
Highest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - - -
Lowest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - - -
Services Funds Raised (₹)
Donation 12,500
Total Funds Raised 12,500
NGO Name Sector Sub Sector Location % Spent on Beneficiaries Income (₹) Expense (₹)
H M Charitable Trust Education Scholarships Maharashtra 100 1,488,546 1,478,865
Atulya Vikash Education Services Jharkhand 97 333,630 333,127
Foundation For Excellence India Trust (FFEIT) Education Scholarships Karnataka 95 658,104,660 660,524,997
Vidya & Child (Project under JPNMT) Education Learning Centre Uttar Pradesh 91 53,857,742 62,289,896
K.C. Mahindra Education Trust Education Girl Child Maharashtra 85 1,339,741,000 1,344,351,000
Atma Education Trust Education Services Maharashtra 76 19,739,697 17,160,220

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