HelpYourNGO - Education - Sir-Shapurji-Billimoria-Foundation

Sir Shapurji Billimoria Foundation

Sector: Education
Sub Sector: Services
Tax Deduction: 50% u/s 80G of The Income Tax Act, 1961

UN Sustainable Development Goal:
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% Spent on Beneficiaries

HelpYourNGO USP: Our Research Team studies the NGO's financials to arrive at ratios, variances and the % spent on beneficiaries. This % is the proportion of direct program expenses to total expenditure for the latest financial year, indicating the total direct spend on beneficiaries.

Year of Establishment : 1998
Registered Address : 2-24, Nanik Niwas Building, Opp. Tata Garden, Warden Road, Mumbai 400026, Maharashtra
Presence : Maharashtra
Website :
Email :
Telephone : +91 22 23696596
Donor Contact : Ms. Roda Billimoria Desai / N.A /
Registered Under : The Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950
Auditor : S. B. Billimoria & Co
Bankers : Bank of India, Standard Chartered Bank
Trustees/Directors/Managing Committee: : Prof. Suma B. Chitnis - Trustee, Mr. Darius E. Udwadia - Trustee, Mr. Sarosh J. Ghandy - Trustee, Mr. Pranay D. Vakil - Trustee, Ms. Dina M. Daver - Trustee, Dr. Roda Billimoria Desai - Trustee

SSBF offers India’s only Integrated Education Teachers’ Diploma, affiliated to the SNDT University and National Council for Teacher Education, Government of India. UNICEF declared it as one of only five such courses across South Asia. The Foundation launched India’s first innovative two-year Diploma in Integrated Education in 2003.

The Foundation established India’s first comprehensive Institute of Integrated Education that will include the following five pillars:

  • A Center for Teacher Education –to conduct full-time / part-time degree, diploma and short term courses and workshops
  • A School – to be a placement center for student teachers and serve as a model for replication
  • A Unit for Research and Documentation – to develop indigenous literature, training manuals, conduct educational research and network with organizations
  • A Resource-cum-Pedagogy and Study Center (with guest house facilities) where teachers / students / parents and educationists can participate in workshops and access resource material
  • E-learning: (a) On-line education B.Ed. degree/diploma/workshop and (b) Grade I-X on-line school for teachers/parents/students without access to brick-and-mortar school education.
FY 2014 (₹) FY 2015 (₹) FY 2016 (₹)
Government Sources - - -
Foreign Sources - - -
Institutional Sources - - -
General Donations 1,015,157 683,200 581,878
Sales/Fees 148,600 569,840 -
Interest/Dividend 789,885 809,149 872,357
Other Income 1,920 45,101 3,123
Total Income (A) 1,955,562 2,107,290 1,457,358
Direct Program Activities 238,347 170,563 62,830
Program Staff Cost 1,937,461 1,038,305 788,294
Travel Expenses 61,061 30,595 13,040
Direct Program Expenses 2,175,808 1,208,868 851,124
Fund Raising Expenses 25,000 - -
General Staff Cost - 161,796 164,006
Overhead Expenses 67,294 31,159 38,664
Depreciation 538,765 496,851 475,482
Other Expenses/Transfers - 43,111 3,282
Total Expenditure (B) 2,867,928 1,972,380 1,545,598
Surplus / Deficit (A-B) -912,366 134,910 -88,240
Fixed Assets 70,981,162 70,360,603 69,882,939
Current Assets 592,997 647,493 604,981
Cash And Bank 1,026,965 787,177 984,024
Total Current Assets 72,601,124 71,795,273 71,471,944
Investments 8,640,721 9,164,280 39,327,105
Accumulated Deficits - - -
Total Assets 81,241,845 80,959,553 110,799,049
Trust Corpus 18,727,400 18,832,400 18,982,400
General Funds 5,661,392 56,314,360 86,091,730
Earmarked Funds 56,787,690 5,796,302 5,708,062
Unutilized Grants - - -
Total 81,176,482 80,943,062 110,782,192
Loans - - -
Loans (From Members) - - -
Current Liabilities 65,363 16,491 16,857
Other Liabilities - - -
Total Liabilities 81,241,845 80,959,553 110,799,049
FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016
Beneficiary Details
Direct Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Indirect Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Average Cost per Direct Beneficiary (₹) - - -
Staff Details
No. of Staff - - -
Number of Consultants - - -
Number Of Volunteers - - -
Total - - -
Highest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - - -
Lowest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - - -
NGO Name Sector Sub Sector Location % Spent on Beneficiaries Income (₹) Expense (₹)
H M Charitable Trust Education Scholarships Maharashtra 100 1,488,546 1,478,865
Atulya Vikash Education Services Jharkhand 97 333,630 333,127
Foundation For Excellence India Trust (FFEIT) Education Scholarships Karnataka 95 658,104,660 660,524,997
K.C. Mahindra Education Trust Education Girl Child Maharashtra 85 1,339,741,000 1,344,351,000
Atma Education Trust Education Services Maharashtra 76 19,739,697 17,160,220
Sir Shapurji Billimoria Foundation Education Services Maharashtra 56 1,457,358 1,545,598

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