HelpYourNGO - - Impact-India-Foundation-IIF

Impact India Foundation (IIF)

Sector: Health
Sub Sector: Hospital
Tax Deduction: 50% u/s 80G of The Income Tax Act, 1961

UN Sustainable Development Goal:
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% Spent on Beneficiaries

HelpYourNGO USP: Our Research Team studies the NGO's financials to arrive at ratios, variances and the % spent on beneficiaries. This % is the proportion of direct program expenses to total expenditure for the latest financial year, indicating the total direct spend on beneficiaries.

Year of Establishment : 1983
Registered Address : Nhava House, 65 Maharshi Karve Road, Marine Lines , Mumbai 400 002, Maharashtra
Presence : 19 States
Website :
Email :
Telephone : +91 22 66339606
Donor Contact : Ms. Neelam Kshirsagar / +91 9820237581 /
Registered Under : The Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950
Auditor : N. M. Raiji & Co.
Bankers : Kotak Mahindra Bank, State Bank of India, Central Bank of India
Trustees/Directors/Managing Committee: : Mr. Ramesh Sarin - Chairman, Ms. Pheroza Godrej - Trustee, Ms. Usha Thorat - Trustee, Mr. Jayant Kumar Banthia - Trustee, Mr. Anil Shastri - Trustee , Mr. Samir Shah - Trustee

IIF's Projects:

Lifeline Express:  In 1991, Impact India's Lifeline Express was launched, which became the world's first hospital on a train. Its main objective was that people should not, through neglect, become disabled and thus robbed of health, productivity and joy; and that persons especially in rural India should have access to medical services.

The train, which is the flagship of Impact India Foundation has medically served more than 10,00,000 poor in rural India, restoring sight, movement, hearing, neurological treatment and more, completely free of cost.

Community Health Initiative (CHI): CHI is an innovative and challenging opportunity that aims to establish a fully functional, community-owned, health-delivery system.

Objectives of CHI:

a. Preventing the incidence of future disabilities- like under 5 malnutrition, Anaemia in women, iodine and Vitamin A deficiency etc.

b. Reversal of existing disability, like visual impairment, deafness, polio etc. by curative measures.

A Health Game, based on the Snakes and Ladders game was designed by Impact for the use of rural school children. The game rewards positive behaviour relating to health (climb a ladder) and discourage poor health practices (slide down a snake). The game is simple and effective in communicating various health messages in a playful way.

FY 2016 (₹) FY 2017 (₹) FY 2018 (₹)
Government Sources - - -
Foreign Sources 21,514,488 16,602,702 14,508,123
Institutional Sources 40,642,467 71,045,212 89,375,298
General Donations 1,785,135 1,828,406 1,243,242
Sales/Fees - - -
Interest/Dividend 4,247,381 4,785,534 5,756,949
Other Income 1,534,205 79,673 12,449
Total Income (A) 69,723,676 94,341,527 110,896,061
Direct Program Activities 43,381,969 55,809,139 91,267,036
Program Staff Cost 16,679,418 12,824,693 20,224,816
Travel Expenses 2,422,071 2,905,644 2,952,454
Direct Program Expenses 60,061,387 68,633,832 111,491,852
Fund Raising Expenses 2,253,994 1,105,221 1,518,913
General Staff Cost 2,240,678 6,981,917 7,002,863
Overhead Expenses 4,490,727 4,371,813 5,816,978
Depreciation 650,302 566,270 580,812
Other Expenses/Transfers 34,901 37,727 -
Total Expenditure (B) 72,154,060 84,602,424 129,363,872
Surplus / Deficit (A-B) -2,430,384 9,739,103 -18,467,811
Fixed Assets 12,271,861 24,073,549 24,671,310
Current Assets 9,200,771 6,086,392 5,972,327
Cash And Bank 28,045,802 30,604,000 47,407,297
Total Current Assets 49,518,434 60,763,941 78,050,934
Investments 31,203,875 46,650,000 50,645,000
Accumulated Deficits - - -
Total Assets 80,722,309 107,413,941 128,695,934
Trust Corpus 18,861,100 18,861,100 19,061,100
General Funds 20,447,850 30,186,953 11,719,142
Earmarked Funds 12,077,723 25,504,376 46,437,736
Unutilized Grants - 11,733,657 10,700,000
Total 51,386,673 86,286,086 87,917,978
Loans - - -
Loans (From Members) - - -
Current Liabilities 29,335,636 21,127,855 40,777,956
Other Liabilities - - -
Total Liabilities 80,722,309 107,413,941 128,695,934
Depreciation on assets used for programme-related activities is included in programme costs (Rs567,143 in FY1
3) and depreciation on assets used for administrative purposes (Rs41,867 in FY1
3) is classified as 'depreciation'. A similar adjustment is made for all years. Awaiting the depreciation figure for programme-related activities in FY14.
FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018
Beneficiary Details
Direct Beneficiaries (nos.) 107,208 87,178 -
Indirect Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Average Cost per Direct Beneficiary (₹) - - -
Staff Details
No. of Staff 48 74 -
Number of Consultants 2 2 -
Number Of Volunteers 900 1,000 -
Total 950 1,076 -
Highest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) 858,000 1,086,000 -
Lowest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) 60,000 60,000 -
Services Funds Raised (₹)
Donation 21,418
Offline Donation 10,000
Online Donation 1,000
Total Funds Raised 56,228
NGO Name Sector Sub Sector Location % Spent on Beneficiaries Income (₹) Expense (₹)
Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT) Health HIV/AIDS Karnataka 94 293,950,183 281,795,382
Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT) Health HIV/AIDS Karnataka 94 293,950,183 281,795,382
Impact India Foundation (IIF) Health Hospital Maharashtra 88 110,896,061 129,363,872
Association for Blindness & Leprosy Eradication (ABLE Charities) Health Hospital Haryana 82 5,757,818 7,892,264
Health Education Library for People - Community Health Research Programme Charitable Trust (HELP) Health Awareness & Advocacy Maharashtra 65 677,724 1,369,435
Care India Medical Society Health Cancer Maharashtra 63 10,218,239 10,052,242

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