HelpYourNGO - - Professional-Assistance-For-Development-Action-PRADAN

Professional Assistance For Development Action (PRADAN)

Sector: Comprehensive Empowerment
Tax Deduction: 50% u/s 80G of The Income Tax Act, 1961

UN Sustainable Development Goals:
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% Spent on Beneficiaries

HelpYourNGO USP: Our Research Team studies the NGO's financials to arrive at ratios, variances and the % spent on beneficiaries. This % is the proportion of direct program expenses to total expenditure for the latest financial year, indicating the total direct spend on beneficiaries.

Year of Establishment : 1983
Registered Address : #3, Community Shopping Centre, Niti Bagh, New Delhi 110049, Delhi
Presence : 7 States
Website :
Email :
Telephone : +91 11 40407730
Donor Contact : Ms. Smita Mohanty / +91 9350880191 /
Registered Under : The Societies Registration Act, 1860
Auditor : V. Sankar Aiyar & Co.
Bankers : Indian Overseas Bank
Trustees/Directors/Managing Committee: : Mr. S. M. Vijayanand - Chairperson, Dr. Rukmini Banerji - Vice-Chairperson, Mr. Virginius Xaxa - Member, Ms. Nayantara Sabavala - Member, Mr. Sanjay Upadhyay - Member, Ms. Bala Devi Ningthoujam - Staff Member, Mr. Alak Kumar Jana - Staff Member

Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN) was created in 1983 by two young professionals, Deep Joshi and Vijay Mahajan, who were convinced that even the stubborn, endemic poverty of rural India can be solved. It works to reduce poverty; changing lives and creating choices for the poorest communities in rural India.

Main areas of activities are:

  • Women Empowerment: PRADAN’s primary focus is organizing women collectives and Self Help Groups as they provide strength to deal with inequities in society. Their intervention with these collectives is around gender justice, citizenship engagement with governance structures and public systems and negotiating with the external world like markets.
  • Create Sustainable Livelihoods: It works with marginalized communities to create food security and works in areas of agriculture, horticulture, forest based livelihoods, livestock and micro-enterprises. These include development of land, creation of irrigation systems, establishing multiple cropping systems, livestock-based livelihoods, micro-enterprises, access to fair market and credit, ownership of land and alternate employment opportunities like broiler farming, goat rearing, tasar rearing, lac cultivation, mulberry sericulture and fish rearing.
  • Rebuild local Governance and service institutions for citizens especially Women: Working with collectives to strengthen governance and institutions to demand and support, creation and availability of basic services like road, health, education, water, hygiene and sanitation. Women’s engagement in electoral process, being members in standing committees, challenging retrogressive social norms and joint preparation of citizen reports with PRI are some focus areas.
  • Create enabling Environment in the grassroots: It also works towards influencing State apparatus for pro-poor action, recommending pro-poor policies, legislations which create space for women, collectives, CBO, marginalized, attracting private players and philanthropists to contribute to rural communities, creating an environment conducive for partnership between stakeholders and forming coalition between various communities to create a larger eco system and larger social impact.

Basically, PRADAN’s primary focus is to help people in marginalized communities develop their own skills and initiatives, instead of delivering services or solutions to them by aiming for a holistic and positive change in their social, psychological and economic condition so they can take total charge of their lives and engage with the world around them.

FY 2020 (₹) FY 2021 (₹) FY 2022 (₹)
Government Sources - - -
Foreign Sources - - 37,305,200
Institutional Sources - - -
General Donations 1,026,179,392 1,442,103,996 1,703,480,789
Sales/Fees - - 3,462,008
Interest/Dividend 48,931,240 44,346,871 44,012,739
Other Income 16,659,276 13,255,923 638,794
Total Income (A) 1,091,769,908 1,499,706,790 1,788,899,530
Direct Program Activities 977,830,964 1,387,647,142 928,280,830
Program Staff Cost 25,229,157 22,369,096 561,080,593
Travel Expenses - - 70,597,586
Direct Program Expenses 1,003,060,121 1,410,016,238 1,489,361,423
Fund Raising Expenses - - -
General Staff Cost - - 83,088,868
Overhead Expenses 65,237,883 66,249,397 101,551,310
Depreciation 5,575,251 6,571,591 -
Other Expenses/Transfers 3,195,718 7,335,264 4,395,711
Total Expenditure (B) 1,077,068,973 1,490,172,490 1,748,994,898
Surplus / Deficit (A-B) 14,700,935 9,534,300 39,904,632
Fixed Assets 33,685,660 159,573,054 220,155,418
Current Assets 143,781,567 129,126,585 133,626,796
Cash And Bank 848,477,285 924,034,359 635,525,852
Total Current Assets 1,025,944,512 1,212,733,998 989,308,066
Investments 278,337,532 384,531,906 588,084,937
Accumulated Deficits - - -
Total Assets 1,304,282,044 1,597,265,904 1,577,393,003
Trust Corpus 390,931,550 403,750,392 517,829,961
General Funds 158,237,826 162,510,775 199,439,901
Earmarked Funds 59,330,925 195,525,274 817,328,059
Unutilized Grants 614,772,189 751,223,832 -
Total 1,223,272,490 1,513,010,273 1,534,597,921
Loans 8,222,865 - -
Loans (From Members) - - -
Current Liabilities 72,786,689 84,255,631 42,795,082
Other Liabilities - - -
Total Liabilities 1,304,282,044 1,597,265,904 1,577,393,003
1) Grants which have been utilized during the year have been included in Income and Expenses based on the guidelines of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. As a result, the income we have shown is higher than that reported by the NGO.
2) Other income includes proceeds from scrap disposal and misc. receipts.
3) The NGO adjusts Depreciation for each year from the Capital Asset Fund in the Balance Sheet.
4) Other Expenses/Transfers include provision for contingencies.
5) Income & Expense breakup shown is classified from the reports provided by the NGO.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Beneficiary Details
Direct Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Indirect Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Average Cost per Direct Beneficiary (₹) 323 323 323
Staff Details
No. of Staff - - -
Number of Consultants - - -
Number Of Volunteers - - -
Total - - -
Highest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - - -
Lowest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - - -
Services Funds Raised (₹)
Donation 3,780
Online Donation 500
Total Funds Raised 4,280
NGO Name Sector Sub Sector Location % Spent on Beneficiaries Income (₹) Expense (₹)
Goonj.. Comprehensive Empowerment Delhi 100 1,748,257,369 1,148,421,703
Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra Comprehensive Empowerment Jharkhand 93 346,172,589 269,132,597
Marathwada Gramin Vikas Sanstha (MGVS) Comprehensive Empowerment Maharashtra 92 66,515,632 66,016,683
Professional Assistance For Development Action (PRADAN) Comprehensive Empowerment Delhi 89 1,788,899,530 1,748,994,898
Sevalaya Comprehensive Empowerment Tamil Nadu 88 188,618,617 186,741,848
Deepalaya Comprehensive Empowerment Delhi 81 204,992,009 189,622,980

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