HelpYourNGO - Women - Chaitanya


Sector: Women
Sub Sector: Livelihood
Tax Deduction: 50% u/s 80G of The Income Tax Act, 1961

UN Sustainable Development Goals:
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% Spent on Beneficiaries

HelpYourNGO USP: Our Research Team studies the NGO's financials to arrive at ratios, variances and the % spent on beneficiaries. This % is the proportion of direct program expenses to total expenditure for the latest financial year, indicating the total direct spend on beneficiaries.

Year of Establishment : 1993
Registered Address : Moti Chowk, Rajgurunagar, Taluka Khed, Pune 410505, Maharashtra
Presence :
Website :
Email :
Telephone : +91 2135 223176; +91 9850153574
Donor Contact : Ms. Sudha Kothari / +91 9822529697 /
Registered Under : The Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950
Auditor : Brijesh Dattaji & Co.
Bankers : Bank of Maharashtra, Indian Bank, HDFC Bank, State Bank of India, Indian Bank, Bank of Baroda, Yes Bank, Bank of India, Central Bank
Trustees/Directors/Managing Committee: : Dr. Sudha Kothari - Managing Trustee, Ms. Surekha Shrotriya - Trustee, Dr. S. V. Gore - Trustee, Dr. Ram Katariya - Trustee, Mr. Vijaykumar Bhansali - Trustee, Mr. Harish Vora - Trustee, Dr. S. Vijayanand - Trustee, Ms. Girija Srinivasan - Trustee, Ms. Jahanvi Andharia - Trustee, Ms. Kalpana Pant - Trustee

Main activities are:

  • Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Federation: In FY15, Chaitanya set up 49 federations in 18 districts and 1,431 villages of Maharashtra. They have initiated the formation of 8,907 SHGs in order to provide equitable and affordable financial services to women, as well as provide a forum for sharing, learning, planning and monitoring of funds. Some of their main programs are “Tejswni Rural Empowerment Program” to enable poor women improve overall well-being, “Swawalamban” organizes women farmers into SHGs, Vasundhara to promote self-reliant SHGs and promotion and linkages of WSHGs.
  • Jankar: This program trains women in areas of gender sensitive laws, financial literacy and government programs. Women are trained in counselling skills to resolve family problems and spread awareness on women’s rights. They have partnered with Ford Foundation to open 20 counselling centers.
  • Upjeevika (livelihood program): Chaitanya works to enhance knowledge of livelihood practices, skills and introduce livelihood ideas for increasing sources of income. They conduct trainings in vermin-composting, organic farming, animal husbandry, financial aid for credit needs, raised-bed agriculture, kitchen garden, horticulture, fodder enrichment and systematic rice intensification. They promote farmer groups and entrepreneurship through skill training in tailoring, garment making, and handicrafts. Many women members are involved in micro enterprises at various steps in the value chain and get an additional source of income.
  • Health: Chaitanya works to increase awareness of basic health care and hygiene, providing preventive health care facilities, absorbing health shocks and Community Based Monitoring of the Public Healthcare System. For absorbing health shocks they pool in their resources which is then used for community disbursals. They have developed a cadre of women who serve as resource people in rural preventive health and provide affordable facilities for regular health check-ups through a mobile doctor and health camps.
FY 2013 (₹) FY 2014 (₹) FY 2015 (₹)
Government Sources 15,051,000 15,342,378 14,302,662
Foreign Sources 1,159,874 2,992,173 6,231,947
Institutional Sources 5,373,814 5,395,995 4,471,802
General Donations 2,301,713 2,220,985 1,935,296
Sales/Fees - 716,468 2,738,687
Interest/Dividend 786,971 563,206 761,583
Other Income 6,206 9,409 221,025
Total Income (A) 24,679,578 27,240,613 30,663,002
Direct Program Activities 23,950,946 26,350,610 24,441,502
Program Staff Cost - - 732,996
Travel Expenses - - 209,044
Direct Program Expenses 23,950,946 26,350,610 25,174,498
Fund Raising Expenses - - -
General Staff Cost - - -
Overhead Expenses 12,000 210,993 2,616,301
Depreciation - - -
Other Expenses/Transfers 762,817 56,000 1,637,665
Total Expenditure (B) 24,725,763 26,617,603 29,637,508
Surplus / Deficit (A-B) -46,185 623,010 1,025,494
Fixed Assets 5,347,677 4,662,822 4,129,758
Current Assets 13,083,523 9,971,545 22,035,900
Cash And Bank 4,758,951 3,390,941 4,641,067
Total Current Assets 23,190,151 18,025,308 30,806,725
Investments 10,160,000 17,766,787 18,627,300
Accumulated Deficits 1,711,754 - -
Total Assets 35,061,905 35,792,095 49,434,025
Trust Corpus 319,009 319,009 319,009
General Funds - 1,300,035 2,325,530
Earmarked Funds 31,835,982 23,087,176 24,756,440
Unutilized Grants - - -
Total 32,154,991 24,706,220 27,400,979
Loans 480,918 9,059,312 12,763,022
Loans (From Members) - - -
Current Liabilities 2,425,996 2,026,563 9,270,024
Other Liabilities - - -
Total Liabilities 35,061,905 35,792,095 49,434,025
1) Government Sources mainly include grants from Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal (MAVIM), which on behalf of the Government of Maharashtra has taken up the cause of overall development of women through the Tejaswini Project.
2) Contributions for Admin Support and Training shown under Donations.
3) Sales/Fees mainly include expert fees, training fees, and counselling fees.
4) Until FY14, the NGO has provided only one amount as expenditure on projects; no details were made available for all years.
5) Other Expenses/Transfers mainly include transfers to Earmarked Funds.
6) Significant increase in Current Assets in FY15 is mainly due to Grants Receivable of Rs102 lakhs.
FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015
Beneficiary Details
Direct Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Indirect Beneficiaries (nos.) - - -
Average Cost per Direct Beneficiary (₹) - - -
Staff Details
No. of Staff - - -
Number of Consultants - - -
Number Of Volunteers - - -
Total - - -
Highest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - - -
Lowest Paid Full-Time Staff (₹ p.a.) - - -
Services Funds Raised (₹)
Donor Advisory 50,000
Total Funds Raised 50,000
NGO Name Sector Sub Sector Location % Spent on Beneficiaries Income (₹) Expense (₹)
Purnima Mahila Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha Women Empowerment Maharashtra 99 97,784 89,116
Men Against Violence & Abuse (MAVA) Women Preventing Violence Maharashtra 91 2,175,721 2,111,456
Chaitanya Women Livelihood Maharashtra 86 30,663,002 29,637,508
Women's Emancipation and Development Trust (WED Trust) Women Empowerment Tamil Nadu 84 2,198,600 2,405,406
Women's Organisation in Rural Development (WORD) Women Empowerment Tamil Nadu 78 6,657,540 6,626,085
Theni Mavatta Pengal Samuga Porulathara Munnetra Sangam Women Empowerment Tamil Nadu 64 366,893 337,740

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